Everything about rhinoplasty - types of surgery and their characteristics

Rhinoplasty changes the patient and is considered one of the most effective ways to change the appearance.

straight-nosed girl

The face becomes clear, rejuvenated, visible defects are eliminated, and sometimes there are even breathing problems. In our country, surgeons have an arsenal of tools and techniques to give a person a new look.

But every operation has its pros and cons.

Types of rhinoplasty

How is rhinoplasty different from rhinoplasty?There is no difference between these concepts.

There are several types of correction.Here's how rhinoplasty is performed with each type of operation:

  • Septoplasty: is aimed at changing the shape of the nasal septum and is prescribed in case of impaired respiratory function.
  • Closed rhinoplasty is as follows: through one or more incisions, the skin is separated from the frame - cartilage, bone. Then make an adjustment - the parts are removed or enlarged. Then the leather is sewn. Columella is not amputated. This is a common technique used by surgeons.
  • Open rhinoplasty: indicated for large-scale corrections. The incision is made in the nasal cavity and columella.

How long does rhinoplasty take: The duration of the operation depends on the amount of work and equipment. So that,closed correction lasts 30-40 minutes, open - up to 60 minutes. For fully closed rhinoplastyTakes 1 hour, open - about 1, 5 hours.

Operation video

To find out how rhinoplasty is done, we offer you to watch a video of the operation.

Non-surgical rhinoplasty

It is applied to eliminate minor defects.It is performed in 5-7% of patients.

Fillers are used to smooth or change the angles of the tip of the nose, to restore symmetry and to mask the hump. The disadvantage of such a correction is that after 12-18 months the fillers melt, there is a risk of migration of substances.

Absorbable preparations are also used. Thus, it is possible to get rid of bumps and bumps. The technique is applied in the tip, wings, upper tip zone, sometimes - in the hump. Go through several stages.

The threads inserted through the holes allow you to tighten the tip and adjust the shape of the wings. This technique is not popular, because there is a risk of breaking the rope, the appearance of rough scars.

Pictures before and after

In these photos, we offer to see the results of rhinoplasty in other people.

the result of rhinoplasty

Indications and contraindications

Indications for rhinoplasty are associated with such defects:

  • Qorbinka.
  • Sharp or thick, hooked tip.
  • Long length.
  • Wide nostrils.
  • Saddle shape.

Rhinoplasty is indicated for deviations of the nasal septum, both congenital and traumatic deformities. The operation is performed with disruption and complete cessation of nasal breathing.

The client will refuse the surgeon's correction in the following cases:

Contraindications to rhinoplasty
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels,
  • Blood clotting disorders;
  • Liver and kidney diseases;
  • Diabetes;
  • Active form of tuberculosis;
  • pregnancy, menstruation;
  • Folliculitis (inflammation of the hair follicle), acne at the site of impending surgery;
  • acute viral infections;
  • Cancer;
  • Disorders of the mental sphere.

There are also age restrictions. Rhinoplasty is not performed until the age of 18 in girls and 21-23 in boys., it is associated with the process of formation of the facial part of the skull.

Correction is not recommended after the age of 40 due to delayed tissue regeneration and the risk of complications at this age. Older patients have difficulty adjusting to a new look and often regret the changes.

During the pre-procedure consultation, the surgeon learns why the patient is interested in rhinoplasty, what results to expect, explains the results and warns of possible complications.


Nasal correction occurs after preparation. The surgeon will instruct you on how to prepare for rhinoplasty.

Preparation for rhinoplasty includes standard examinations:

  • Electrocardiogram.
  • Chest radiography or fluorography.
  • Nose photo.

Discontinue blood thinners 2 weeks before the upcoming procedure. It is recommended to abstain from alcohol and smoking for 7 days before rhinoplasty. During the day, light foods remain in the diet, refusing food and water for 6 hours.

An anesthesiologist is consulted before the operation. The specialist clarifies the information on the tolerance of anesthesia.

List of analyzes

The following tests are performed before rhinoplasty:

  • Blood (total, biochemical, electrolytes, coagulogram, blood group, Rh, factor) - within 14 days.
  • HIV, HBS, HCV, RW - within 3 months.
  • Urine - 14 days.
preparation for rhinoplasty

does it hurt

During the rhinoplasty operation itself, the patient does not feel anything, because he is asleep due to medication or the doctor prescribes analgesics.

During rehabilitation, there is more discomfort than pain - for example, due to tampons and swelling in the nose, which are removed after a day. Rhinoplasty is said to be painless compared to breast surgery.


If an osteotomy (artificial bone fracture) is performed, then a cast is placed.7-10 days. Edema around the nose and eyes,Disappears after 10-20 days.

The doctor can evaluate the results initially after 6 months and finally after a year. How long the tissue heals depends on the characteristics of the body and its age.

After the cast is removed, the patient is obliged to consult a doctor within a specified period. For a while, they refuse to wear glasses, exclude spicy and hot foods from the diet to prevent bleeding, and limit physical activity.

The full rehabilitation course lasts 6-12 months.

How well the face heals depends on the severity of the operation and the complications.After 10 days with a good course, a person gradually returns to a normal rhythm of life., goes to work.

Why is rhinoplasty dangerous?

This is a risk-related surgery, sometimes with side effects. These are good reasons to refuse rhinoplasty, especially if the surgeon does not see any abnormalities or medical indications.

Result one month after rhinoplasty

An anaphylactic reaction to anesthesia is possible - a rapid life-threatening allergic phenomenon. Toxic shock syndrome is observed in 0. 017% of cases - a state of shock that causes the vital activity of exotoxins of bacteria or viruses.

In general, adverse events develop in only 4-18, 8% of patients, with one in ten people in this group experiencing skin and soft tissue complications.

During the operation, excessive bleeding, fractures of the skin, mucous cartilage structures, burns, disruption of the bone pyramid, etc.

In the first hours, in the days after surgery, anaphylaxis, vision and respiratory disorders may develop. From hidden complications - bleeding, hematoma of the septum.

RarelyAn infection enters the wound that requires a course of antibiotic treatment, hormones and blood transfusions are used during sepsis (blood poisoning).

Other complications include:

complications after rhinoplasty
  • Decreased sensitivity.
  • Scars, scars that require repeated intervention.
  • Difficulty breathing.
  • Deterioration of odor.
  • Perforation of the nasal septum (holes).
  • Cartilage atrophy.
  • Appearance of the vascular network, pigmentation.
  • Rarely - tissue necrosis (death).

In addition, the patient is not always satisfied with the result -3 out of 10 such patients.The probability of the appearance as planned is about 70%. The nose can look very flat, look unnatural and cannot be combined with the rest of the facial features. Therefore, before you decide to change, weigh the pros and cons.

Thereafter, a second amendment may be required after 6 months, but not earlier. Indications are improperly constructed or over-removed cartilage, where the nose appears short, a small columella (the lower part between the nasal passages), and so on.

What is the best time to cancel a transaction?

People with dysmorphophobia or dysmorphomania often turn to plastic surgeons for help. In the first case, we are talking about a painful reaction to a small defect or feature of the body, in the second - an imaginary external defect.

If the surgeon does not find a deviation from the average parameters in the size of the nose, in comparison with other parts of the face, it is recommended to consult a psychologist.

You should also learn reviews about the clinic and the specialist. The lower the doctor's qualification, the higher the probability of complications.